One sure way to save money and have a much healthier diet is to plant some nice fruit trees. I am thinking about some apply, pear, peach and maybe even some
Pomegranate trees would be nice. I would also like to get some blueberry bushes and blackberry bushes as well. I think that my sons would really love being able to just pick their snacks.
Nothing beats fresh fruit right off the tree! They have so much more flavor than the ones from the store.
Thrifty Thoughts,
Mommy Mia's World,
Mia's Motivation &
Mia's Menu Mania
Fruit trees have their pluses, but we have an apple tree in our yard and watch out if you don't pick those thing! They fall off the tree and smell something awful!
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Yeah I am actually fighting with my hubby about the trees because we used to have fig trees where we used to live and they would attract bees but I sure loved the ones that I picked and the ones that dropped off the tree the chickens ate:)
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