Saturday, June 13, 2009

Got Bugs?

I just got some really cool bed bug encasement products to try out. Travel season is upon us right now and a very large percentage of hotels have at least some level of bed bug infestation (yuck!)These bags really make it easier to to keep from bringing those gross and itchy creatures home with you. You won't have to live out of a trash bag to keep from getting them which is great! These high quality thick and strong zipup bags make it simple and convenient to be proactive in fighting bed bugs. They also come in convenient sizes for larger or smaller luggage bags, garment bags and even drawer liners so you can feel more at home. I think I am going to get the large luggage one and a couple of the drawer lingers so that I can put my clothes in the dresser.
So if you are planning a trip like me this summer and staying in a hotel, I suggest you check out these bags first.

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